My Handsome Husband decided we need an RV this summer. Not only do we need an RV, but he made the exceptionally fine point that it would be a benefit for my business. Three or four months post-purchase, I must admit he's right. Having a place to stay for TONS less than a hotel, but with A/C and a working plumbing is a major plus when doing long-distance site visits. Of course, I'm not really a camping queen, so Handsome Husband knew he had to come up with some sort of catch to bring me on board with this decision and the business angle did it for me.
We have had some fun family trips, too. One of our favorite campgrounds is in Charleston, SC. Beach time with the kids is priceless (and exhausting). Here are a few photos of their favorite camping activites...
Random comment from a stranger! My husband was looking for my blog on his phone and came across yours. Here's the link to mine: How weird is that?